Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development
Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development Vol. 12(1), pp. 007-015, September 2024 ISSN 2327-3151 ©2024 Academe Research Journals
Full Length Research Paper
Economic Analysis of Date Palm Marketing in Jigawa State, Nigeria
Musa, Salihu
Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Federal University, Dutse, Jigawa State, Nigeria
Correspondence Author: Email: Tel: +2348034442807
Accepted 17 November, 2022
The study examined the economic analysis of date palm marketing in Jigawa state, Nigeria. Data were collected through questionnaires distributed to 122 sampled date palm marketers for both wholesalers and retailers. Purposive and simple random sampling techniques were employed in selecting the sample size while simple frequencies, percentages, means, gross margin analysis and truncated regression model were employed for the study. About 94.23% and 100% were retailers and wholesalers respectively between the ages of 21-50 years with 88.87% and 100% were married respectively. About 57.69% and 33.33 of retailers and wholesalers had one form of formal education or the other and 59.62% and 55.56% of retailers and wholesalers sourced their supply from wholesalers respectively. The truncated regression revealed that the coefficient of cost of transportation (0.342) and taxes (88.82) had a negative relationship with gross margin while years of formal education (0.0213), household size (0.0223) and quantity sold (40.8413) had a positive relationship with gross margin for retailers. The coefficients of cost of transportation (0.1252), cost of loading and offloading (3.26), cost of commission agents (0.0007) and cost of threading (0.1004) had a negative relationship with gross margin while quantity sold (104.5665) had a positive relationship with gross margin for wholesalers. Hat-square value of 0.72 and 0.79 for retailers and wholesalers respectively indicates that the models were well specified and VIF of 1.58 and 6.25 respectively indicate the absence of multicollinearity and the Wald chi-square of 634.76 and 759.38 indicates the variables were jointly affecting gross margin. In conclusion, marketers of the date palm are profitable and marketers were married males with one form of education or the other and only cost of transportation reduces profitability for both categories.
Keywords: Marketing, Date palm, Truncated regression, Analysis and Jigawa State.
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