Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development
The Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development (JAED) (ISSN 2327-3151) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that is published monthly by Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development. JAED is dedicated to increasing the depth of the subject across disciplines with the ultimate aim of expanding knowledge of the subject.
JAED will cover all areas of the subject. The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence, and will publish:
- Original articles in basic and applied research.
- Case Studies
- Critical reviews, surveys, opinions, commentaries and essays.
We invite you to submit manuscripts as e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at: or with the following information:
- Your name and institution with full address details;
- Title or name of journal you wish to submit a manuscript to;
- Title of your paper
Our goal is to inform authors of the decision on their manuscript(s) within three weeks of submission. Following approval, a paper will normally be published in the next issue. Guide to authors and other details are available on our website;