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Peer Review Process

In line with ARJ editorial practice, upon receipt of a submitted manuscript, the journal editor (or editors) determines whether to reject the submission outright or begin the process of peer review. In the latter case, the submission becomes subject to anonymous peer-review by outside scholars of the editor's choosing. The number of these peer reviewers (or "referees") varies — typically, no fewer than two, and usually at least three outside peer review the article. The editor(s) uses the reviewers' opinions in determining whether to publish the article, return it to the author(s) for revision, or to reject it. Even accepted articles are subjected to further (sometimes considerable) editing by ARJ editorial staff before they are published. Typically, an accepted article is published one month after its initial submission.

The peer-review process is considered critical by ARJ to establishing a reliable body of research and knowledge. Scholars can be expert only in a limited area of their fields; they rely upon peer-reviewed journals to provide reliable, credible research upon which they can build subsequent, related research.

Each of the journals published under The Academe Research Journals (ARJ) cuts across a wide range of disciplines and they contain articles that have been peer reviewed, in an attempt to ensure that articles meet the journal's standards of quality, and scientific validity. The scholarly presentation of the results of research is of significant importance to ARJ.