International Journal of Agricultural Science Research
International Journal of Agricultural Science Research Vol. 10(1), pp. 001-012, May, 2022 ISSN 2327-3321 ©2022 Academe Research Journals
Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) Production constraints, Nutritional value and health benefits
Temesgen Teressa
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, EIAR
*Corresponding author. Email: Phone: +251912858616
Accepted 18 April, 2022
Pearl millet is a group of grains that are well-known for their culinary applications as well as their health-promoting properties. It is one of human’s oldest foods, and is possibly the first cereal grain used for domestic uses. In the world's poorest countries and among the poorest people, millet grain is the most fundamental food source. So, the objective of this article is to revise the production constraints and health benefits of pearl millet. Millets are less expensive than other grains and are a mainstay for the lower sections of society. Fortification of millets is a cost-effective way to address a deficiency and a viable technique for increasing the consumption of fortified millet products. Although millets are important and high in micronutrients, there are several factors affecting pearl millet production; drought stress and low soil fertility, disease and insect pests and parasitic weeds striga are among the issues. The majority of nutrients are unavailable due to the presence of anti-nutrients, which restrict the nutritional value of millets, resulting in a deficiency in the diet of the majority of Indians. As a result, nutritional availability and product development can be improved by fortifying millets. There is a need to diversify the usage of these millets in the current era of food scarcity by producing various millet recipes. Millet is a tasty cooked cereal that may be served as a side dish or popped like corn as a snack or morning cereal. The whole millet can be stored safely for up to two years if properly stored. Millet is a nutrient-dense, healthful, and versatile grain that should be included in everyone's diet.
Keywords: Pearl millet, Nutrition, Constraints, Production, Health benefit
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