International Journal of Social and Behavioural Sciences Vol. 1 (9), pp. 168-187 September 2013 ISSN 2327-719X ©2013 Academe Research Journals



Origin and development of human security

Bishnu Pathak

Peace and Conflict Studies Center (PCS Center), P. O. Box 11374, Sukedhara Kathmandu, Nepal.

E-mail: . Tel: +977 1 4650696, +977 9841 345514.

Accepted 20 August, 2013


Human security is complementary to human rights. It is a comprehensive, interrelated, and coordinated concept that encompasses freedom from want, freedom from fear, freedom to live in dignity, freedom to take action on one’s own behalf, and freedom to inherit pro-nature environment for forthcoming generations as fundamental rights. All individuals, particularly those who are vulnerable and marginalized, must have equal and unrestricted opportunity to enjoy their rights and freedoms in order to develop their potential optimally. The United Nations was established with the foremost objective to unite, strengthen, and maintain peace and human security. Human security focuses on the betterment of human lives by conquering over poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, armed conflict, and terrorism through mutual respect. Human security itself respects human rights and human rights are there to safeguard human security. All governments, including Nepal realize their primary responsibility toward human security for all the people by ensuring their survival, livelihood, liberty, and dignity. National security strives toward protection of the nation and/or state. But, Nepal is yet to formulate its national security policy by putting the people at the center. A sound mechanism for human security, in turn, minimizes military spending and increases humanitarian security, irrespective of class (poor or rich), birth, geography, sex, caste/ethnicity, religion, profession, culture, and so forth. Human security leads toward protection of human beings. Hence, all development efforts for the sake of human security have to be pro-people, pro-jobs, pro-resources, and pro-nature.

Key words: Human security, liberty, dignity, human rights, peace, convention, Nepal.